6 Fun Summer Spiritual Practices
Jul 17, 2024
There’s no reason why your spiritual practice shouldn’t be fun, and exploring something new invites inspiration and a new perspective. If there’s anything on this list you haven’t tried before, I highly encourage you to do so. The longer and warmer days of summer lend themselves to certain activities that might not be quite as comfortable in winter. Matching your spiritual practice to the seasons is a great way to connect to nature. Here is our summer bucket list:
1. Sit in nature overnight or for a few hours after sundown
This is a very powerful experience and can cost quite a bit of willpower actually to go through with it, but it is definitely worth it. We know this practice from Nordic traditions, where literally translated it is called sitting outside. It is done to gain insight, seek answers to big questions, and connect more deeply with the cosmos. Often it is done when a larger transition in life is about to occur. If you are new to this practice, spending an hour or two after sundown might already be challenging as you might be dealing with initial fear or a sense of isolation. Stepping out of your comfort zone and meeting your edge will bring you closer to yourself and build a deeper connection. Please research a safe area to do this depending on where you live. In Germany and Denmark, our biggest fear might be getting bit by a tick.
2. Find a stream or river to cleanse yourself.
Cleansing yourself with water is always a wonderful way to reset your mind, body, and soul. In summer it can be an easy and very precious option to do this in a natural stream or river that will carry away anything that has become stuck. If you have the option to fully immerse yourself, that is of course most magnificent and powerful, but it can be enough to place your hands and feet in the water and feel the energy of it flowing, bringing the new and cleansing away the old. If it feels right, splash some water on your face for your mind and if you are 100% sure the water is of drinking quality, you might even take a sip.
3. Meditate with a tree.
Choose a tree that is meaningful to you and one where you can sit undisturbed at its foot for a while. Ideally, one that is not frequented by dogs. This practice can be easy and quick or you can choose to go very deep. This might depend on how you practice spirituality. Sit close to the tree or maybe even lean against it, if that is an option. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Start feeling into your surroundings. Does the tree have a scent? Can you hear the leaves rustling? What does it feel like leaning against it? Stay here, simply feeling what you can sense and how it feels to you to be in the presence of this tree. If you want to take it further you can start visualizing its roots and how they connect to the earth. Maybe you join the journey of the roots and feel connected yourself. Then move up the trunk feeling its sturdiness and presence before moving up into the branches and the leaves. Feel how they connect to all that is above. And maybe you feel yourself connected to everything above. Take as much time as you like for this journey. If it feels right to you, you might ask the tree for wisdom. Or you might simply listen and see if it has anything to share with you. When your practice is complete, thank the tree. You might choose to leave an offering.
4. Do a walking mindfulness meditation in nature.
Take yourself on a walk and guide your mind to be present in the here and now. Start your journey with a few deep breaths. You can also place a hand on a tree or the ground to connect with your surroundings and to help bring you into the present moment. If you have limited time or if it helps keep your mind from wandering, it might be useful to know the route you want to take. If you have more time and space it might be powerful to simply wander. Once you begin walking, use your five senses to experience summer. What do you see, what sounds do you hear, what scents tickle your nostrils, is there any taste, and what do you feel? This practice can be incredibly energizing. If you notice your mind wandering, guide it back to your current experience. Do this as often as you need to. With practice, it gets easier.
This practice is perfect for all seasons and a great way to connect with nature and its cycles.
5. Find a meaningful place and journal.
There exist many places that have a special kind of energy to them. Some are official and can be researched online and some we have a personal connection with. Choose a place that you would like to spend some time in. Bring your journal and maybe some water and snacks. Hang out here as long as you like and write or draw anything that comes to mind. Trust your own wisdom and enjoy what you find when you put pen to paper. What can you learn about yourself? What can you learn about this place? Why is this place important to you? What knowledge is waiting to be found?
6. Create a work of art that you pour summer energy and light into, to keep for colder and darker months.
If you can, sit outside in the sunlight for this activity. Bring your favorite art supplies. Pen, ink, and paper; pencils; watercolor; crochet, knitting, or embroidery supplies; magazines and printouts for collages; supplies for jewelry making; whatever you most enjoy. Let the sun and the summer vibes inspire your work of art. Get immersed in the experience. Once you are done, let the piece soak up the rest of the day's sunlight before bringing it indoors. Or maybe you choose to keep it outside. Either way, it is wonderful to save it for colder and darker months when you are feeling low on energy. It will remind you of the summer spark and that the seasons are cyclical. Summer always returns.
Here are some ideas for art:
- Jewelry in summer colors using seashells or other natural items that you have collected.
- A painting or sketch of your favorite summer place. Maybe the mountains or the beach.
- A collage including all your favorite summer foods, drinks, and activities.
- Embroider an image of the sun onto a T-shirt
- Create a sun-catcher
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